Friday, January 13, 2012


Afriend of mine shared a piece of an interview with Cristina Applegate. What I took away from it was this: regardless of what I can or cannot do with Charlotte right now I can still enjoy little moments with herhher.Which made me relize how thank ful Iam to know her, because I came close to not meeting her. My husband told me that the doctors told him that he should start making phone calls before I went in for surgery , so he assumed that meant my chances were not good. d.the thought of Charlotte being motherless kills me, but makes me so grateful to be here for her My huband has spoken about how afraid he was that night and if the worst had happened, how he would never have been able to describe me acurately when my daughter eventually asked ehat Iwas like  Iam grateful everyday when Iwatch my healthy, thriving daughter squirm around on her tummy under her play matt. Is avor every moment with her, because, you never know an Iwant to remember these moments forever.


  1. Liz, I think you are amazing and strong. I just sent you a note on another post, but wanted to share this with you. You may already know of Jill Bolte Taylor. She wrote a book called "My Stroke of Insight." Here's a link to her TED talk.

  2. I just found your blog through The Feminist Breeder and look forward to following your journey. Peace and strength to you, mama.

  3. Liz: I love you, and I'm so proud of you. I sit here reading your blog, and can't help but think how lucky Charlotte is to have a strong woman to look up to in her life. You write about feeling the pain of possibly missing out on some of the more physical aspects of caring for her. I can't imagine how difficult that must be. But the emotional support and strength you will show her in the years to come will surely become so much more important. She is loved by you, and I'm sure she gets that already. Thank you for sharing your journey through this blog. I am thinking of you often, and although it's been years since we've seen each other or had a nice, long talk, know that you are often in my thoughts, and always in my heart. Your friend, April Jo Harder
