Wednesday, January 25, 2012


My husband and I finally got the disposable cameras from our wedding developed and looking at those pictures really got to me. Imiss my old moving around, jazz hands-ing self, but looking at those pictures rea drove something home for me, I took it all for granted. Fo ryears I heaped abuse upon abuse on my body, Ismoked like a chimney, drank like all whiskey everywhere was in short supply and generally bemoaned my exsistence, my life was great! and I had ahard time seeing that, Iwish Icould get it all back so I could appreciate what I had and treat my body likthe glorious thing it is, but noawadays Ifind myself with a tiny smile on my face as Iappreciate all I have, Ifeel freed from the bonds Icarried before, Ino longer feel the need tp have the "perfect" body or the "perfect"life, my life is pretty darn good, thank you very much, and Inow take pleasure in the thing I used yo overlook and take for granted. Thank gooddnessI've been given the opportunityTo open myeyes and see what things really look like!


  1. Your words really do spill over and touch others lives with their meanings. I went through something much easier than your situation, but I was unable to walk for months, and felt something so similar. Thank you for continuing to write about your journey - I will keep reading and thinking of you.

  2. Dang Liz! You are very insightful. Thanks for sharing. xo!

  3. Thanks for this post Liz. It gives me a lot to think about.
